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Root Capital Crédito HG Plus FIC FIM CP

CNPJ: 42.405.028/0001-59

Status: Open

Objective: Seek to achieve returns higher than Brazilian Interbank Interest Rate (“CDI”), through the investment of at least 95% of its assets in quotas of investment funds in accordance with the Fund’s bylaws

Investor Type: Qualified investors, being individuals and legal entities (Brazilian investors only)

Management Fee: 1.04% p.a.

Performance Fee: 20% on what exceeds the CDI variation, charged semi-annually

Taxation: Long Term

Early Redemption Fee: None

LTM Average AuM: R$ 483,174,647.04

Strategy AuM: R$ 687,077,640.00

Inception Date: 12/30/2021

Fund’s Historical Performance (%) in R$
Fund Documents
Info Form
Fact Sheet


This website is property of Root Capital – Gestão de Recursos Ltda. (“Root Capital” or “Asset Manager”). The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and intended for the general public, including investors and potential investors seeking information about Root Capital. The content has been provided in a concise manner, does not have a regulatory character and does not constitute a complete representation of Root Capital's strategies and/or opinions. Such content and/or materials are not and should not be understood as, recommendation or solicitation for the subscription, redemption, purchase or sale of any assets and securities, including shares of investment funds, nor should they serve as the only basis for investment decision-making. Potential investors' investment decisions should not be based on the information contained herein. The returns presented here represent past performance and are not net of applicable taxes and do not represent and should not be considered as a promise or guarantee of future profitability. Any target performance indicated herein must not be considered as a performance agreement. Unless otherwise indicated in specific documents, the information contained in this website is current as of the date published. Investment funds and other securities are not guaranteed by the Investment Fund´s Administrator, the Asset Manager, any insurance mechanism, or by Fundo Garantidor de Crédito – FGC. Root Capital does not sell or distribute investment funds’ quotas or any other financial assets. The distribution of products managed by Root Capital is carried out through authorized distributors, members of the securities distribution system. Root Capital does not offer accounting, legal, financial or tax consultancy services, so the content presented on this website should not be interpreted as such. The information, characters, elements, and brands contained in this website are the property of Root Capital and their reproduction, distribution or disclosure are not authorized for any purpose without the prior written consent of its owner, which may constitute intellectual and property infringement, being the violators subject to the penalties applicable under Brazilian law. The institution adheres to self-regulation codes from ANBIMA’S (Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais) Regulation and Best Practices and Portfolio Administration Self- Regulatory Codes.

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